Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Enable PING Windows 8

How to Enable Ping Reply/Response in Windows 8 and 8.1 – Simple Steps

By default Windows 8 and 8.1 come with enabled Windows firewall which will not respond to ping requests from other networked devices. Even though you can access network shares from your Windows 8 desktop or laptop but still it will not respond to ping request  by saying ‘Request Timed Out’ message.  Here is the simple way to enable ping reply or response in Windows 8 and 8.1  by modifying ICMP Echo rule without completely disabling Windows firewall.
In Windows 7 we had to create a rule to enable ping but Windows 8/8.1 got built-in rule which needs to be enabled.  By completely disabling firewall in Windows 8 will respond to ping requests, but its not the recommended way of doing in terms of network and computer security. Disabling the firewall just for ping request will put the computer in high network threats and attacks.

Enable Only ICMP Echo Requests in Windows 8/8.1 to Responds Ping commands

1) Open Windows firewall settings.  Search for ‘firewall’ in search (from charm bar) and click Windows firewall. It can be accessed from Control Panel also.
search for firwall
2) Here you can completely turn off the firewall, so ping reply will work but it’s not recommended and we are not going to do it.
Select Advanced settings to open more and advanced Windows firewall settings.
advanced settings
3) There are pre made ICMP Echo rules available in Inbound Rules, we just need to enable that.
You must consider two facts while enabling the rule,
a) Network protocol type ( Is it IPv4 or IPv6?)
b) Network location type ( Is it Private or Public or Domain network?)
Mostly we would be needing to enable ping on Private or Domain network only, not for Public network. Select the correct rule matching in your scenario and enable it by right clicking and select Enable Rule.
requred rules to enable
right click and enable
That’s it, we have just enabled the ping response or reply in Windows 8 or 8.1 without disabling the Windows firewall.  If you like to disable again and do not want your computer to respond ping ( ICMP Echo requests), right click on the same rule and disable it.
